Upgraded Duet Wifi Mainboard with 7-Inch Color Touch Screen for 3D Printer


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Duet Wifi V1.03 Upgraded Mainboard With 7 inch PanelDue Color Touch Screen For 3D Printer
Upgraded Duet Wifi Mainboard with 7-Inch Color Touch Screen for 3D Printer

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Product Description:

The DuetWifi is a state-of-the-art‍ 32-bit control system for ⁢3D‌ printers and other CNC machines. It​ mirrors the‌ functions of the‌ Duet ⁢Ethernet, with the only ⁢divergence ​being ​its‌ provision of WiFi connectivity in ⁣place of Ethernet. You can obtain a complete feature summary from our wiki. To summarize, ‍the‌ DuetWifi’s functionalities include:

  1. Potent ‌32-bit Processor
  2. Dedicated WiFi module
  3. Ultra-silent TMC2660 stepper drivers, capable of⁣ up to 256 microstepping
  4. High-speed SD card support with the additional option for a⁢ second ⁤external SD‌ card ⁣if needed
  5. Dual ⁢extruders ‌on the main⁤ board, with expansion board capability for up to 5 additional extruders
  6. High Power rating, with each stepper driver capable of 2.8A motor current.⁣ This is, however, currently limited in software to 2.4A.⁢ The bed heater channel is configured for ‌high⁤ current support,⁤ up to 18A
  7. Onboard web interface accessible via PC, tablet, or smartphone on the ​same network
  8. Firmware upgradable through the ‍web interface
  9. Support for all common 3D ​printer geometries
  10. Expandable up to 7 extruders‍ with firmware support for nozzle mixing and axis remapping to utilize high ‍power external ⁣drivers
  11. Supports the full-color graphic touch screen, ⁢PanelDue. It comes with Molex-compatible​ plugs and crimps, along with ferrules ⁣for ⁤power and heater terminals.

The PanelDue is⁤ compatible with ⁤the Duet and⁣ other 3D printing electronics, ⁤offering the following features:

  1. 7-inch 800×480 pixel display
  2. Power supply from host 3D ‌printer controller
  3. 2-wire async serial interface with​ 3.3V signal‍ level that also supports 5V tolerant input
  4. External SD card socket connection⁢ on ⁢most‌ compatible displays via a 10-way ribbon cable connector on version 2.0⁢ PanelDue boards.⁤
  5. 4-wire cable supplied to link the PanelDue to your controller ⁢board for power and serial connections.

This product is crafted based on ⁤the DuetWifi by Think3dPrint3d and Esher3d. However, this reproduction/modification is neither endorsed nor supported ⁤by Think3dPrint3d⁤ or ⁣Escher3d.

The ⁢product package includes:

  1. One Duetwifi ⁢Board  V1.03
  2. A 7-inch PanelDue Color‌ Touch Screen
  3. A USB ​Cable
  4. Assorted jumpers