Geeetech Reprap Ramps1.4 RRD 2-Channel Fan Extender for 3D Printer


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Geeetech® Reprap Ramps1.4 RRD Fan Extender For 3D Printer Reprap With 2 Channels
Geeetech Reprap Ramps1.4 RRD 2-Channel Fan Extender for 3D Printer

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Update or create your printer with DUAL-EXTRUSION (2 extruders), which includes a heated bed, consuming all output ports (D8, D9, D10). When this occurs, there’s no option to connect a firmware-controlled fan directly to the RAMPS board. The solution may lie in the existing Sprinter/Marlin firmware option (Marlin:BOARD=34), which redirects the FAN to the RAMPS output D4. However, this requires a “buffer/driver” to function.

The RRD-FAN-EXTENDER answers this need perfectly. It’s a plug-and-play solution designed to mount the FAN for DUAL-EXTRUSION setups with RAMPS1.4. Unique to this unit is its two additional output ports and 2 PWM controllable channels (D6/D11), a step above single port solutions. The second channel expands functionality including hosting another fan (for cooling the stepper driver) or as a light control (adding dimmable LED light).


  • Supports a maximum of 20V
  • Features 2 PWM controllable channels (D6/D11)
  • Offers easy, plug-and-play installation
  • Each channel supports up to 0.5A, sufficient for a substantial fan
  • Channels maintain flexible output voltage (meaning the RRD-FAN-EXTENDER can connect to 12V,5V,… depending on the required output voltage)
  • Compatible with Marlin firmware (choose “#define MOTHERBOARD 34”)
  • Easy adaptation to other firmware (for Sprinter: amend “#define FAN_PIN 6” to “pins.h”)


  1. Compatibility extends to Marlin firmware v3 or later versions. Previous versions will require a board re-flash.
  2. Upon power up, any two connected fans will alternate rotation.
  3. Connections are easily made according to the provided description picture.

Package includes:

1 x Reprap Ramps1.4 RRD Fan Extender. Note: the package does not include the fan or the board.


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