High Accuracy Digital Display – Dual Output Temperature and Humidity Control Board


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XY-WTH1 Temperature and Humidity Control Digital Display High Precision Dual Output Automatic Constant Temperature and Humidity Control Board
High Accuracy Digital Display - Dual Output Temperature and Humidity Control Board $19.99

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Introducing the all-new XY-TR01 Temperature and Humidity Control Module! With a high ‌precision digital displayand dual output automatic control functionality, it ⁤is designed ⁢to ensure constant ‍temperature and humidity.

This incredibly intelligent product is built using industrial-grade components​ and incorporates ​the highly accurate SHT20 temperature and humidity sensor.

Let’s dive ‌deep into the‍ features:

Temperature⁤ Functionality:
The device automatically identifies its operating mode based on the start/stop temperature ⁤setting. It optimally maintains your desired temperature through the Cooling and ​Heating modes. Not only does it feature automatic temperature ⁤regulation​ but it also offers a Temperature⁤ Correction function. This ensures any long-term deviations are corrected, ⁤thus maintaining‍ optimal environmental conditions.

How​ do you set ‍the temperature?​ It’s‍ simple. All you ⁣need to do is⁣ select your desired start and stop temperatures⁣ using‍ the ‘TM+’ and ‘TM-‘ keys, and‍ the device ⁤will do the rest.

Humidity ‍Functionality:
Just like ​temperature, the module ‌can regulate humidity too. Again, it⁤ identifies the operating mode based on the⁣ start/stop humidity​ you’ve set. The Dehumidification and Humidification modes ensure the humidity ⁤in your space is always​ kept at the perfect ‌level. The Humidity Correction function ‌is also at your service, countering ⁢any long-term deviations.

The process to set up your desired​ humidity⁤ is almost⁣ the same as setting ⁣the temperature. Quickly⁤ press ‘RH+’ or ‘RH-‘ keys and you’re good to ‍go.

The device’s user interface will show‍ the ​working mode clearly. Any‌ relay conduction‍ is displayed, providing ⁢you with a complete control of ‍temperature and humidity.

That’s not all. It also offers features such as Parameter Remote Read and⁣ Real-time Temperature/Humidity Reporting, ⁢and⁣ Relay enabling.

And guess what? You can ‌even ‌modify‍ the temperature/humidity⁢ correction value with just a‍ few presses of the⁢ indicated​ keys. Plus, with ⁣easy temperature and humidity ​relay enabling/ ⁤disabling, it is user-friendly to the⁣ core.

Serial control at ⁤a TTL level is also included. The module provides descriptive data, including current ‌mode operations, temperature and ⁣humidity values, and respective relay statuses.

So, if you’re looking ‍for a ‍flexible, reliable controller for your ‍temperature and ‍humidity needs, this ⁢product has got you covered.

Your package includes one XY-WTH1 Controller and ⁢we’re sure you’ll love it.‌

Take a closer ​look at the detailed pictures of‍ this master IOt product: