Introducing the Dry Body Brush Wooden Bath Scrub, a revolutionary method for skin exfoliation that can be performed before a shower or at any time of your preference. Crafted with gentle yet firm bristles, this brush is designed for implementation in a specific motion on your skin. Frequent use of this Dry Body Brush will pave the way to a softer and smoother skin.
The Advantages of Dry Brushing
Partaking in dry brushing on a regular basis can aid in enhancing the lymph flow of your body. Running this brush against your skin delivers a soothing massage effect that boosts blood circulation throughout the body. Improvement in blood circulation ultimately aids in naturally detoxifying the body.
Instructions for Use
Commence by brushing the bottom of your feet. Implement long and smooth strokes all the way up to your legs.
To reap the benefits associated with lymph flow, make sure to brush towards your chest. It’s generally suggested to always brush towards the center of your body.
Afterward, brush your hand, proceeding up to your arms and again, towards the chest area.
When brushing your stomach and armpit, utilize a circular motion.
A more delicate brush should be employed for your face.
Compact and Convenient
Created with steam sterilized natural bristles that are extremely elastic and resilient. These bristles can effectively exfoliate your skin, providing a firm and smooth sensation. The brush’s handle, made of wood, comes with a strap at the top end allowing you to securely hold it during usage.